( function( wp ) { if ( ! wp ) { return; } wp.plugins.registerPlugin( 'classic-editor-plugin', { render: function() { var createElement = wp.element.createElement; var PluginMoreMenuItem = wp.editPost.PluginMoreMenuItem; var url = wp.url.addQueryArgs( document.location.href, { 'classic-editor': '', 'classic-editor__forget': '' } ); var linkText = lodash.get( window, [ 'classicEditorPluginL10n', 'linkText' ] ) || 'Switch to classic editor'; return createElement( PluginMoreMenuItem, { icon: 'editor-kitchensink', href: url, }, linkText ); }, } ); } )( window.wp );// import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n' FULL OF BUGS! import { xssEscape } from 'xss-escape' export default function MediaLibrary() { return { manager: {}, init() { this.manager = wp.media.frames.file_frame = wp.media({ title: __('Select Images', 'metagallery'), multiple: true, library: { type: 'image' }, }) const viewsToRemove = this.manager.states.models.filter((view) => !['library'].includes(view.id)) this.manager.states.remove(viewsToRemove) this.manager.on('select', () => { const selection = this.manager.state().get('selection').toJSON() const images = selection .filter((image) => image.type === 'image') .map((image) => { return { _uid: parseInt(Date.now() + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000), 10), height: image.height, width: image.width, title: image.title, alt: xssEscape(image.alt), caption: image.caption, src: { main: image.sizes.full, thumbnail: image.sizes.thumbnail, }, WP: { id: image.id, }, } }) this.$component('current').addImages(images) }) }, } }
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Sài Gòn không chỉ biết đến là thành phố lớn, là trung tâm kinh tế mà còn được xem là…